Curated by JUUST Living, Recovery Organization Resources, Helios Recovery Services and The Privilege Institute
©2014-2024 All Rights Reserved America & Moore, LLC
“We need to heal. If we do not heal, we doom future generations."
– Dr. Joy Degruy
This challenge is for folx in recovery, who are looking for racial equity resources to challenge you in your thinking about white supremacy culture and the devastation it has wrought –– especially upon Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC) bodies, minds and spirits. This edition connects you with contemporary BIPOC recovery resources that complement your recovery through historical understanding of the failed drug war, learning about disproportionate access to services, and discovering how to become a co-conspirator in creating the #MooreBeautiful and just world we all know is possible.
For too long, the recovery field has been dominated solely by the 12 step movement and archaic drug treatment industry movement, which was created by and for upper-middle-class cis-white-het men and sustained through drug war policies and economic privilege. Historically, BIPOC and LGBTQIA+ folx have been uncomfortable, isolated, unwelcomed, and underrepresented in recovery support settings. We are grateful that it is changing in some ways, and for the multiple pathways to recovery. (Many of us are also grateful for the 12 step movement that has saved our own and so many other lives.) Our goal here is to open up recovery resources, beyond the traditional Euro-centric 20th century recovery movement. Whether you are one of the Global Majority or White, we hope you find something here. #MooreSuggestions welcomed.
Access most where you listen to podcasts
CARE of the SOUL in the Coronavirus Cocoon for Recovery Coaches
Art Woodard, CCAR Recovery Coach
*The curating team had mixed feelings about this movie. Read a good blog post about the complications.
(2 hours, 22 minutes)
Take care of yourself.
Choose your spiritual practice: daily, reflective, with a teacher or accountability partner:
Movement, meditation, and creative self-expression
Continue to learn about the cultural context in which racism and the “drug war” and “mass incarceration” are inextricable.
Convey to all in your circle that all lives won’t matter until Black and brown lives matter equally as much as white lives historically have.

Follow racial justice activists, educators, organizations, and movements on social media. (You can explore posts without having an account.) Consider connecting with any of the people or organizations you learn from other actions.
Pro Tip: Check out who these organizations follow, quote, share, and retweet to find more people and organizations to follow.
Pro Tip: Check out who these organizations follow, quote, share, and retweet to find more people and organizations to follow.
We recommend going to websites and link to the social media platforms each person/organization uses.
Recovery Organization Resources
Anti-Oppression Resources, Somatic Experiencing: not recovery-oriented, but somatic trauma healing, which is important for everyone with addictions.
Mālama Project - Mālama Project seeks to provide a space where all students in recovery can feel safe, accepted, understood, and empowered. Cultural sensitivity and congruent practices, grounded in traditional Hawaiian values, are embedded in Mālama Projects practice. Mālama Project embraces all forms of recovery and students at any point in their journey.
Recovery for The Revolution – Instagram
The Wellness Coop – Recovery support services for BIPOC folx seeking or in recovery from Substance Use Disorder.
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)
Narcotics Anonymous (NA)
White Bison, The Red Road to Wellbriety
Women for Sobriety – Helping women discover a happy New Life in recovery
Millati Islami Recovery – for Muslims
SMART Recovery – Science-based, self-empowered
Celebrate Recovery – Christian 12 step program
Refuge Recovery – Buddhist based recovery program
Life Ring Recovery – Secular Recovery program
Recovery Dharma – Buddhist based recovery program
JACS: Jewish Alcoholics, Chemically Dependent Persons, and Significant Others
Difficult emotions––such as shame and anger––though uncomfortable to feel, can guide you to deeper self-awareness about how power and privilege impacts you and the people in your life.
Reflecting and journaling enhances learning. By using a 21-Day Reflect tool each day, you discover how much you are actually understanding and making meaning. It helps you to transform your personal experience into a learning experience, and thus build your racial equity habits.
Recovery Resource Edition Inspiration Songs:
A Change Is Gonna Come, Sam Cooke